(407) 539-0669

Support Locals!

Support Local Businesses. When you consider how many small businesses surround you in your everyday lives, it is hard to imagine life without them. We are one of those small business allowing us to recognize the value of supporting our local entrepreneurs. This is a uniquely challenged time for small businesses, let’s show them the utmost support. 

That is why this month we worked with the uber-talented local photographers- Naomi Jemison. She took the time to visit us to create some great (and yummy) content for our community. Stay tuned in all of our social media to see her work, you will find a tag next to all her images. If you are interested in learning more about her work, reference her contact information below. 

Naomi Jemison Website 
Naomi Jemison Instagram

Come visit Athena Roasted Chicken located in The Shoppes at Maitland 487 S Orlando Ave, Maitland, FL 32751. Open 7 days a week!!! Monday to Friday from 10am to 9pm, and Weekends from 11am to 8pm.


For More Information Call: 407-539-0669